Who do you think will die in the last Harry Potter book?

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Who do you think will die in the last Harry Potter book?

Post by superwizard »

Harry might die in the last book says JK Rowling

http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/phi ... t_die.html

What do you think? Which charecters do you think will die?
Last edited by superwizard on Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Primula Baggins »

Harry Potter won't die.

I know she says she's done writing about him, but any time she feels the need for another umpty-ump million or two, she can simply start a new series about his early adulthood. It's like money in the bank.

Not to mention that a really sad ending to the series would hurt future sales for future kids. How many parents would want their kids to fall in love with Harry, knowing that in the end he was going to be killed?

As for who is going to die, I'm inclined to think it's someone less momentous than she implies. In Book 4 it was a character who was essentially introduced so she could kill him; in Books 5 and 6 they were major characters, but I have trouble believing they're really dead. If they are, the only way she could top that would be to kill Ron or Ginny or Hermione, and I just don't see it. But anyone else, even Snape, would be a cheat, with the buildup she gives. (I don't for a moment believe she would kill Hagrid.)

Of course, maybe one of the commenters has the right of it, and Harry will get Ginny pregnant and die, leaving the door open to sequels that way. :P

“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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Post by Impenitent »

Why do you think Hagrid is off limits? I think the impact and potential for a dead Hagrid is intriguing.
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Post by Primula Baggins »

I think she personally loves the character—she wrote him with the film actor (the one who ended up actually playing him, his name escapes me at the moment) in mind, and she speaks of Hagrid with tremendous affection.

I don't think she's got it in her to kill him. :D

(I do agree that it would have a lot of impact and would be intriguing from a dramatic standpoint. But then, in my own books I kill nice people all the time, so I'm not fit to judge. :D )
“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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Post by narya »

He could come back, like Gandalf:

Potter the Blight. :D
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Post by Alatar »

Robbie Coltraine plays Hagrid.

Superwizard, do you mind editing the title? I thought this was a genuine spoiler and was very annoyed when I saw it. It's not considered good etiquette to put potential spoilers in a title. There's already a thread here for Book 7 discussion with spoilers and one without.
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Post by Túrin Turambar »

I wouldn’t put it past her to kill Harry, although I would be very surprised if Ron or Hermione copped it. We do know that at least one death is very serious – JKR told her husband and he found it ‘gut wrenching’. I was guessing Lupin for a while, and Hagrid is a possibility although his importance to the story has diminished. I think that there’s a big target over Snape, though.

As to Harry himself, it is essential that he is at least prepared to die, even if he doesn’t. It has been a vital theme so far that the good guys are willing to accept death and do not fear it. I imagine that there will be a point at which Harry chooses to die in order to allow for Lord V’s defeat (a la Ron in the chess game or Dumbledore), even if it doesn’t actually kill him.
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Post by superwizard »

I'm sorry Alatar of course I'd change the title :) No problem.
As for who dies I guess it might be either Hermione or Ron (not both) and some other totally loveable but not so important character like Lupin or maybe someone from the Weasley family...
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Post by Impenitent »

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Post by Alatar »

oooh. Good one Impy. I could really see that.
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Post by eborr »

Harry and Ginny the thing will turn a full circle
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Post by Primula Baggins »

Only if they left a kid behind, though, and I don't really see that happening. :P

Harry's the Boy Who Lived. Would Rowling really end up with the whole seven books being the story of the Boy Who Didn't Quite Manage to Live?
“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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Post by elfshadow »

My guess is Snape. Here's why...(copied from b77)

I'm predicting that one of the deaths will be Snape, and he'll die defending Harry. I still can't bring myself to believe that he's truly evil. I think that Dumbledore knew that since Voldemort had ordered Malfoy to kill him, one of two things would happen: Malfoy would succeed and lose his innocence, so to speak, or Malfoy would fail (much more likely) and have to answer to Voldemort. Dumbledore knew that his time was through anyway, and he'd never want one of his students guilty of murder, nor would he want Voldemort to punish Malfoy for failing to kill him. So to bypass this, he had Snape kill him before Malfoy could get there. Snape was the only one Dumbledore knew that was loyal enough to obey him by killing him. That's why Snape never killed Harry, even after Snape killed Dumbledore and he had at least a hundred chances to zing Harry with Avada Kedavra, as Harry was far too enraged at the time to ward off any powerful curses. That's also why Snape was so infuriated when Harry called him a coward; Snape had just proved more bravery and loyalty in one spell than Harry had in his entire life.

Edit: Prim! :rofl: If there's ever a sequel to HP, that should be the title.
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Post by superwizard »

But really couldn't Snape have pretended to kill Dumbledore without really killing him? No I think that Dumbledore was already dying from that liquid he drank and so it was over anyways...
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Post by Alatar »

I've posted my thought on this already.

We haven't seen the last of Dumbledore or Sirius.
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Post by ToshoftheWuffingas »

It could be someone like Professor MacGonagall (sp?) Guys, we've got another year to go. You'll go mad at this rate. :)
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Post by Pearly Di »

I really hope Dumbledore DOESN'T come back to life. That would be SO annoying. :D (I had my suspicions, with his over the top funeral!)

Snape dying to save Harry! Oh yes!

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

I am firmly in the Snape Is Not Really Evil camp.

Ginny, who is totally superfluous to the plot (like most of the characters, IMO =:) ) is a candidate for the chop, I agree.

Pearl, the HP heretic :blackeye:
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Post by MithLuin »

JKR did not say she was going to kill Harry. She said she understood why authors killed off their main character at the end of the series - it's a rather final end! That, and you don't want someone writing "the Further Adventures of Harry Potter" in 150 years when the copyright expires =:)

I know who's going to die in book 7 (it's quite simple, really):

Lord Voldemort

The guy's been fleeing death since he was 11 - time to face the music...

(It is possible he will meet "a fate worse than death," like being stuck in some sort of limbo or having his last scrap of soul sucked out by a dementor. But....I think she'll just kill him :twisted: )

Sirius and Dumbledore are really, truly dead. We may not have seen the last of them, though. After all, James and Lily are really, truly dead, and they've popped up in most every book - visions in a mirror, ghosts coming out of a wand as regurgitated spells, dementor-induced memories, memories that can be re-lived in a Pensieve, photographs that move....

So, yeah, the dead that we love don't leave us, or whatever, so they're not "gone" - but they are, well, dead. And yes, there is something fishy about Dumbledore's demise, but whatever machinations were going on behind the scene, he did end up dead. Zapped by AK and knocked off the highest tower....that's pretty...final. But maybe Harry will get a pet phoenix out of it 8)

She killed off characters she wasn't 'planning' to, and granted a reprieve to one character who was supposed to snuff it (originally, so an early character, not one of the newer ones).

My guess is that Hagrid and Lupin are safe, as are Ron and Hermione. Lupin's had a miserable life, rejected all the time because of being a werewolf (oh, and that he lost his 3 best friends in one night...) But now, she's set him up with Tonks. Their budding romance is going to go somewhere, not crash and burn, because she really is a hopeless romantic ;).
Hagrid had the crosshairs pointed in his direction, if only because he was Harry's first "guide" in the wizarding world. But, Harry outgrew him years ago, so Hagrid is no longer a 'mentor' figure. For that reason, he doesn't have to be bumped, and therefore she won't do him in.
After the shipping wars, in which she rather vindictively pointed out to her readers that Hermione was blushing over Ron, not Harry, there is no way she can kill Ron - that would force Hermione to fall back on Harry :P. If Ron dies, the whole Trio has to go, and that is way too depressing an ending - it won't happen.
For almost the same reason, Ginny has to live, since she is supposed to be the love of Harry's life.

My guess is that one of the Weasley's dies - probably Charlie or Percy, but possibly one of the twins, or one of the parents. That would be difficult for her to write, but it wouldn't affect the story all that much. Also some random Order members, like Shacklebolt or Moody, the way she bumped off Emmeline Vance in the most recent one. Also maybe some students, like Neville.

But who really has to die in this last book are the bad guys. Seriously, how many of them has she killed off thus far? Only Quirrell! (Well, and the Diary, but still). Wormtail is toast, as is Greyback (the werewolf), and Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius and Draco Malfoy aren't looking too healthy either (a running theme in the series has been the death of the last heir of pureblood families...so that would be Draco). Umbridge has something coming, though I doubt it's death.

And as much as I hate to admit this, I am pretty sure she's going to kill off Snape. The guy has nothing left to live for, and (since I think he's really not a DE) the only way to redeem himself for Dumbledore's death (in the eyes of the readers) is going to be to die for Harry (while sneering at him, but still). Harry will have to forgive him, but that is only going to happen post-humously.
Tosh wrote:Guys, we've got another year to go. You'll go mad at this rate.
Go? I've gone, thank you very much :P
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Ron and Hermione.

Mark my words.
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Post by superwizard »

Voronwë_the_Faithful wrote:Ron and Hermione.

Mark my words.
I don't know how people would respond to that. Killing of the two main supporting characters would be pretty bad IMHO and after that Harry won't really have any close friends except Ginny and she'd not a friend if you know what I mean...
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