Star Trek Discovery

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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by Maria »

I think I dislike "Discovery" more than "Enterprise" actually. The spore drive is beyond ridiculous and I can't get past my dislike of that.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by Sunsilver »

The SciFi channel (which I subscribe to) has been re-running Discovery, so I've been watching the episodes again. Okay, I started with Season 3...

I know not everyone likes it, but I LOVE it! EVERYTHING about it, especially the way the characters have grown over the last 3 seasons. Love the way Saru is mentoring Tilley. The second episode of Season 3, where the two of them are going into a 'first contact' situation, and Tilley is babbling due to nerves, and Saru very gently listens to her and calms her was especially wonderful. Even the irredeemably evil Emperor Georgiou learns and grows as the series progresses! She has a fascinating relationship with the other crew members, especially Michael, whom she loves as a daughter. It's hard to explain - you need to see it to understand, but somehow it all WORKS! They could have just taken the easy route with this, and show Georgiou as the standard rotten to the core villain, but no, Discovery never takes the expected route with anything! They do something similar with the Klingons in Season 1 - again, an enemy becomes an ally, a very important ally!

The ideas behind it too - again and again, it's stressed how they are in this TOGETHER. It's so unlike TOS, where Kirk was the boss. (We all know part of that was due to Shatner's ego! I still can't believe he got pissy over who had the most lines in the script... :roll:)

I especially like the episode where they return to Earth, and solve a problem between the people of Earth and a group they are at war with by negotiation. NO VIOLENCE!

Oh, and let's not forget how we've gone from having a black female officer on the bridge to having a black female as the star of the show, and occasionally taking command of the starship. Roddenberry would be so proud!

There are a lot of things that may strain peoples credulity, like the spore drive, the Red Angel, the Trill symbiont, but the sheer breadth of imagination BEHIND those things has me shaking my head in wonder! They have indeed taken this series 'where no one has gone before'!

Enterprise is also airing on the Sci Fi channel, and they just started with the first few episodes, so I recorded them to watch later, as I never saw this show during its original run. The opening two parter wasn't bad, but I fast forwarded through the next one, where part of the crew is having hallucinations and believes T'Pol is lying to them. There were just so many tropes in it that have been used over and over again! What a contrast with Discovery! I doubt I will continue watching it.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by narya »

Sunny, I like Discovery as well, and can just ignore the unlikely-to-ever-be-real parts, like the spore drive (not to mention warp drive, faster than light travel, transporters, all aliens looking like Americans with latex bits, speaking 21st century American English). Some things you just have to say, yeah, it's fantasy, but it's a darn good story.

And I just reread this whole thread, and I miss Wise Prim. :(
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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by Sunsilver »

Narya, excellent point! Every time someone criticizes Discovery, I can usually point to one of the other Trek series and say, 'but THEY did that, too!' Or, 'is this any less believable than what they did in TOS, Voyager, DS9, etc.?' ;)

Most of the criticism I've heard falls on Burnham. They don't like that she disobeys rules, and gets away with it. Um, Captain Kirk, anyone??

I've also seen her compared to the much-maligned Wesley Crusher, because she seems to be such a wunderkind know-it-all.

I never really found Wesley all that annoying, though I do understand the complaints. He seems to be smarter than anyone else on board, though he's just a kid. Burnham, OTOH, has graduated from the Vulcan Academy with top marks and is a grown woman. And she does make mistakes, and owes up to them. In Season 3, she is demoted for insubordination and disobeying orders. And she accepts it gracefully.

I've noticed most of her critics are men. Hmmm... No, I don't think that's a coincidence. Some guys still have trouble seeing women in positions of leadership or power.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by Maria »

I don't much care for Burnham, either. I've been a woman in a postion of military leadership, and what she did in the very first episode was unforgivable. I almost dropped the series right then and there, but kept at it for a season because... .Star Trek!

I forget what was the last straw with season 2 but we quit the series with a feeling of relief. Good riddance.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Post by Sunsilver »

Maria, with you having been in the military, I imagine watching shows like Discovery is like me watching medical shows, and yelling at the TV screen because they are doing stuff TOTALLY WRONG!!

I tried watching the first episode again to see if I agreed with you, but we had a massive storm and power failure, and when the power came back on, I didn't get back to it!
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