Republican Presidential Candidates

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Post by Ellienor »

That's interesting, because it is the most common tactic of the left to attack people personally, rather than actually respond to any ideas they might have(right out of Saul Alinsky).
Well, Karl Rove raised to a new height the politics of personal destruction (Swift-boating, anyone?)

Palin, like any political figure, particularly an unknown one running for vice president, was going to be held up to scrutiny. The fact that she failed so abjectly at demonstrating the knowledge and intellectual capacity is laid at her door, not at those mean, nasty liberals.

She should have been able to hold her own with those people, Hal. Obama could hold his own with Bill O'Reilly and other people he talked with on the right during the campaign. In fact she failed so badly that she alarmed Republicans and alienated moderates.
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Post by halplm »

Ellienor wrote:
That's interesting, because it is the most common tactic of the left to attack people personally, rather than actually respond to any ideas they might have(right out of Saul Alinsky).
Well, Karl Rove raised to a new height the politics of personal destruction (Swift-boating, anyone?)

Palin, like any political figure, particularly an unknown one running for vice president, was going to be held up to scrutiny. The fact that she failed so abjectly at demonstrating the knowledge and intellectual capacity is laid at her door, not at those mean, nasty liberals.

She should have been able to hold her own with those people, Hal. Obama could hold his own with Bill O'Reilly and other people he talked with on the right during the campaign. In fact she failed so badly that she alarmed Republicans and alienated moderates.
One of the most interesting parts of Palin's book that I have been able to get so far from articles, is just how much the McCain campaing muzzled her. She was not able to do and say most of what she wanted to. Even when the McCain staff was leaking how much she was a drag on the ticket (so as to deflect blame from themselves of course), she still stuck to the plan as it was given to her. She did as she was told, and was crucified for it.

It's unfortunate as both her book and a video game I've been looking forward to for over a year have come out on the same day... I'm afraid my own review of her book will take a while :)
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