Hate comes out of the closet

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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

sf, you yourself have been greatly contributing to the "personal and antagonistic tone to this discussion" with comments like:
I find it telling Soli that you want to echo the sentiments of folks such as Limbaugh and Hannity and place the blame of letting stupid poor people buy homes that they never should have been allowed to
Please, both of you, and everyone else, refrain from making personal comments. Otherwise I will lock this thread, and consider other actions.
Last edited by Voronwë the Faithful on Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by solicitr »

Well, let's see: Ellie quoted an anonymous comment from the NYT site, which included this:
subprimes provide an easy racist scapegoat
to which both you and vison added your me-toos. Then you posted
I find it telling Soli that you want to .... place the blame of letting stupid poor people buy homes....
(Your sentence structure clearly relates "place the blame" to "you [me]", not Hannity and Limbaugh)

and vison:
I think he [me] is more interested in defending the indefensible

But then, the President-elect himself has called opposition to his tax scheme "selfishness."

EDIT: X-posted with Voronwë
Last edited by solicitr on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vison »

I said it was my opinion: "I think". When I leave the "I think" or "it is my opinion" out of the post, then you may take it as an attack.

As for the "racist" bit, to be honest, I can't say I paid any attention to that word, it was the gist of the thing I cared about. I wouldn't have used it myself.

I don't really care which party is more to blame, I care that the mess has happened. I, and billions of other people on the planet Earth, are going to be hurt by this.

The piper always wants to be paid. He always did and he always will. Neither Republicans nor Democrats nor Flat Earthers seem to have remembered that.
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Post by solicitr »

Apology accepted, Vison. :hug:

The fact remains: the voters were happy to accept the Democratic claim, advanced over and over again by the Obama campaign, that George Bush and the GOP are somehow to blame for this mess.
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Post by Primula Baggins »

solicitr wrote:Well, let's see: Prim quoted an anonymous comment from the NYT site, which included this:
subprimes provide an easy racist scapegoat
to which both you and vison added your me-toos. Then you posted
I find it telling Soli that you want to .... place the blame of letting stupid poor people buy homes....
(Your sentence structure clearly relates "place the blame" to "you [me]", not Hannity and Limbaugh)

and vison:
I think he [me] is more interested in defending the indefensible

But then, the President-elect himself has called opposition to his tax scheme "selfishness."

EDIT: X-posted with Voronwë
soli, the beginning of your chain is already broken. I quoted what? Where? Believe it or not, I would never quote a comment, anonymous or not, from any web site, any more than I would quote a post on another message board.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

My apologies to sf for attributing a quote to him that wasn't his. I have edited my post above accordingly.
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Post by solicitr »

I stand absolutely corrected, Prim, it was Ellienor, not you. I've edited my earlier post.

:oops: :oops: :oops:
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Post by sauronsfinger »

I would make one small request...

this thread is suppose to be about the resurfacing of hate ...

could we break off the posts about the mortgage crisis?

thank you
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Post by solicitr »

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Post by vison »

solicitr wrote:Apology accepted, Vison. :hug:

The fact remains: the voters were happy to accept the Democratic claim, advanced over and over again by the Obama campaign, that George Bush and the GOP are somehow to blame for this mess.
The fact remains that the Mr. Bush and GOP are to blame. Not alone, but certainly not blameless.

Considering the claims advanced by the GOP in the campaign against Mr. Obama, the trifling matter of the truthful, albeit exaggerated, claims by the Obama campaign, of the Bush admininstration's fault in the mess, are easily dismissed. At least by me. I thought the McCain campaign was not about what McCain could do FOR America but was rather aimed at frightening Americans about what Mr. Obama might do TO America. I thought it was nicely poetic justice that my conviction about negative campaigning being an actual negative to the negative campaigner was shown to be right.

Since I have no dog in this fight, beyond being a helpless victim of crimes committed far from me, I really don't give a rat's ass who is "more" to blame. What I care about is that someone get working on straightening it out.
Last edited by vison on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by solicitr »

The fact remains that the Mr. Bush and GOP are to blame
And you base that assertion on what?
What I care about is that someone get working on straightening it out.
Which at present means Barney Frank and Chris Dodd- the same guys who carry more of the blame than just about anyone else.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

This incident was discussed at length (and condemned) at the time it happened.

As for splitting the thread, there seems to be quite a lot of hate coming out of the closet in relation to the mortgage crisis. I'm not inclined to split the thread because I think would be too difficult to separate. But we'll keep an eye on it.
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Post by vison »

solicitr wrote:
The fact remains that the Mr. Bush and GOP are to blame
And you base that assertion on what?
What I care about is that someone get working on straightening it out.
Which at present means Barney Frank and Chris Dodd- the same guys who carry more of the blame than just about anyone else.
Please quote the entire sentence. I mean, I could go through your posts and pick out words here and there - it would mean just as much.

On the other hand, don't bother. It is abundantly clear that this is fruitless and I leave you to enjoy your certainties.

They are going to be pretty useful in the coming months, I expect.
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Post by solicitr »

All right:
vison wrote:The fact remains that the Mr. Bush and GOP are to blame. Not alone, but certainly not blameless.
I have yet to see anything to support that claim: not that Bush is solely to blame, but that he shares any of the blame. I'm not aware of anything Bush did to bring this on. To the contrary, he attempted to rein this in as far back as 2003, but the Administration's reform bill was killed by the Dems in Congress.

If you can find an action of the Bush Administration that contributed to this, I'll listen. But it's simply (to borrow a phraese) "puffery" to declare broadly that Republicans and their general penchant for 'deregulation' must somehow be behind this.
On the other hand, don't bother. It is abundantly clear that this is fruitless and I leave you to enjoy your certainties.
This is the sort of snide remark we really could do without. I've promised to be good, and I would appreciate it if the guidelines were to apply with equal force to all.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

soli is quite correct. Please do not characterize other posters in a negative fashion. If you disagree with what someone says, say so, but respond to what they actual have said. If you think that there is more to what they are saying "between the lines" as it were, ask them if that is what they really mean. Politely.
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I have moved one post from this thread to the new Henneth Annûn forum, here. Please note that this action is not meant to be punitive in any way.

Edit: I moved a second post. Please respond to these actions in that thread, not here in this thread.
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