This forum is kind of depressing... lots of threads about people dying.
Granted, Peter Parker is fictional, so one should probably argue against being sad at all. And given that it's a comic book, one has to question how long such a death might actually last.
I have become increasingly frustrated with the comic book industry over the last few years. It has become more and more clear that the various companies involved care little for high quality art and story, and prefer cheap gimmicks to increase sales. At Marvel in particular, there also seems to be a large amount of editorial writing going on, rather than authors being allowed to write good stories.
I guess I just don't get it. When you replace creative people with yes men for corporate penny pushers... you lose the heart and soul of characters that have been around for decades. That can work in the short term of course, but eventually (as has happened steadily over the last decade), people stop caring about the actual characters because they don't know them any more. Spider-man is two different versions in film, he was married, but now he's not (to fit the second film's version), and now he's dead... not sure how the'll sell that in the film.
But the bottom line is that you can't replace good writing and good artwork, with clichéd plot twists and retcons (rewriting history).
Death of Peter Parker
Death of Peter Parker
For the TROUBLED may you find PEACE
For the DESPAIRING may you find HOPE
For the LONELY may you find LOVE
For the SKEPTICAL may you find FAITH
-Frances C. Arrillaga 1941-1995
For the DESPAIRING may you find HOPE
For the LONELY may you find LOVE
For the SKEPTICAL may you find FAITH
-Frances C. Arrillaga 1941-1995