Lidless wrote:If I were an actor who was properly trained and could inhabit almost any persona, I would be outraged by the money paid to many Hollywood types who can only play the one character - themselves. Same thing.
Hehe, my Mom hates Jack Nicholson, so every time one of his movies is on TV (and she walks by), she says "he always plays himself." <grin> For his sake, I really hope that's not true! He plays some
very twisted characters.... I think her bad opinion of him started with the Joker in Batman!
But it is true, in some cases. The actor who played Denethor sounded
really creepy on the DVD commentaries...and of course Billy and Dom really
were as playful as Merry and Pippin. I mean, you couldn't have switched them!
<shudders at the thought of John Noble as a hobbit>. I am not knocking any of their acting abilities, but just pointing out that you pick someone appropriate for the part, and then let their acting fill it in. That's why most people are always good guys or always bad guys.
Some modern art is junk, but some of it is really neat. I figure it just hasn't had to go through the test of time yet, you know, to have the really great stuff rise to the top or whatever. Given enough time, the silliness would be forgotten...I hope.
And there is nothing to say that an artist who makes a really great plinth is also good at sculpting heads.... if the museum wants to display a block of wood on top of it, that is their business.