Ok, last week...
Yay for having the Sickstep Crew performing, though I'm sad that Hawk didn't perform. I couldn't figure out why until I remembered the Visa thing - he probably couldn't perform on the show. It was pretty damned cool though.
Ok, the couples in last weeks show:
Travis and Martha - doing
Holy crap was that impressive!! Throwing your body out in those kind of moves is incredibly hard on the body, especially having to stop so suddenly at the end of the movement. To know that they had been practicing that dance for a week, plus the choreography for the beginning of the show itself... I'm surprised they had any energy at all, let alone not being injured in any way (that we know of). There were two awkward moments - but that was all. Even though krumping is far from my favorite type of dance, this was my favorite performance of the night. The sheer difficulty of what they were doing.... I cannot begin to express how impressed I was.
Overall - WOW!!!!
Jamyz and Jessica - doing
She definitely got the hip movement down better on this one. Still a bit awkward. Again with the fantastic facial expressions on her part. The best parts of the show were when he was lifting her. She doesn't move
with a partner very well.
Overall - it was lovely. Not great, but very pretty to watch. Not one of the top dances of the night.
Ivan and Allison - doing
hip hop.
I don't know why the judges were so hard on them. No, it wasn't as hard as the krumping - it isn't meant to be - it's a completely different dance. It did seem a little immature - two really good, but very young dancers doing hip hop. But it was as good as the routine Jamyz and Jessica did. I think the choreography could have given them much more difficult stuff to do. They're good enough that they could've done more. The reason it wasn't great was the choreographers didn't challenge them as much as they could have.
Overall - it was good. Not great, but fun to watch. Not one of the top dances of the night.
Dimitry and Joy - doing the
He was brilliant. Hips moving like crazy, etc etc. Loved him. She was depending so much on him, I'm surprised he did so well. She went through each move with that smile pasted on her face. Her arms were limp much of the time, even in movement. Her butt was sticking out, her hip movements were awkward, legs were constantly bent, never had a full extention. Very very awkward. He deserves so much better of a partner.
Overall - He was good. She was very very bad. She looked like an amatuer. I would put them in the bottom three.
Natalie and Musa - doing
They were fantastic! I expected her to be good, but I thought he would suck. He didn't! His extentions were good the majority of the time, his movements were smooth. There was an awkward movement when she climbed up on him, but overall I was impressed. They could have had better choreography, however.
Overall - I really enjoyed it. They did well.
Ryan and Heidi - doing
This was such an average routine. It reminded me of something you would see at a high school talent show. He was better than her in this rountine, which really surprised me. They could've done so much better with better choreography. You could tell that she, especially, didn't like the choreography. She just didn't put her whole self into the dance. She did the moves she was supposed to do and looked like she was just wating for it to be over. Bored. Just Ok.
Overall - bottom three.
Ben and Ashlee - doing
American Jive.
She surprised the heck out of me with this. She did really well. Flicks at the end of every kick, good extentions, good body positioning. He danced well on his own, but he keeps forgetting that he has a partner. He did a horrible horrible horrible job of leading. Her movements with him were cut short cause he would suddenly remember he had a partner and had to do a move with her, and he would start it late. She would struggle to do the move in the shorter time she had.... I was suddenly starting to realize that she could be very good if she had a different partner. I don't think he is putting anything into the dancing beyond learning the moves. I really don't think he is working very hard.
Overall - bottom three, just to get rid of him. I would like to see what she can do.
Jason and Aleksandra - doing
Holy white girl!

He was amazing. She did every move, but she did it without attitude. I would've liked to see Ivan and Allison do this rountine, and these two do Ivan and Allisons routine. The whole thing was just too clean on her part, and you could tell that he wasn't doing the moves as big as he would've liked to in order to make her look better. It just made them both look worse.
Overall - it was just ok, but I don't think they should've been in the bottom three like they were.
Benji and Donyelle - doing
Cha Cha.
loved the way both of them moved their hips. I would've not guessed he could move that sexy, considering what a nerd he is

She was very sensual - definitely knew how to move her cruves. That little bit at the end was fantastic! No mistakes. Parts that should've been awkward with their size difference, were not. Very very very good!
Overall - second best of the night.
I'm not going to talk about the solos - just about who was in the bottom three, and who should've gone as opposed to who did.
Of the girls. Joy was indeed the worst, and I am glad she was the one who went home. What can I say, those bent legs through the whole dance bothered the heck out of me.
Of the boys. Ryan should've gone. He just hasn't shown that he can be good in styles other than his own. Jason has shown that he can be quite good in other styles, and he's so high energy. I totally disagree with the judges on who they sent home.
That said, Ben and Ashlee should've been in the bottom three, and Ben shoud've been the guy to go home.
One more comment - Shane Sparks - the judge - is so different than what I originally thought. He gets so incredibly excited about the non-hiphop stuff, as well as the hip hop. I've gotta say, it's rare to hear an American use the word "lovely." I normally only really hear Brits say it - I know I picked it up from Steve. It's just so cute when he gets all excited, and says it was "lovely." I adore watching his reactions. I like the other judges as well, but Shane makes me giggle, and I don't giggle often
Anyway - I'll do my analysis on this weeks show later today. Gonna watch the Argentina vs. Germany footie match first though