Let's Talk Footie - Football World Championship 2006

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Let's Talk Footie - Football World Championship 2006

Post by truehobbit »

I've been hesitating to start a thread about the football championship here, as I don't think there are people watching it on this board.
On the other hand, I remember it was said ages ago we could discuss it once it's here, so there you are. :P
(Once the championship is over, we can keep discussing other football news in here.)

I'm not the most ardent football fan, I'm not interested in club football at all, and only wake up for European or World championships.
I guess I like countries playing each other, rather than local teams.

I also don't know a lot about the game, just the basic rules (but, yes, I do know what an offside is! ;) ), and I never bother to remember things for longer than the day, I just like to comment on the games there and then.
I tend to support countries I like, no matter how good the team is.

I'm particularly interested in this World Championship, of course, as it takes place here in Germany, with some of the early games even in my own city.

The mood here is very nice, everybody is pretty enthusiastic, and although no one got tickets for the games themselves, people are watching in groups in beergardens or in great crowds in front of big screens that have been put up in market places, or, as in Frankfurt, in the middle of the river.
There's lots of support for the national team and you see the German flag everywhere. Flag flying etc used to scare me, but there's a kind of unconcern about this that make me easy with it. It's much like what you see in England, with the English flags all around when the Queen has a special day or so - it's more cheerful than threatening.

The world championship is already well under way, with about half the games of the early round done.

So far, as far as I'm aware of, Germany, England, Brazil, Argentina have all passed the first round.
Argentina earlier today routed Serbia 6:0, and the Netherlands won against Ivory Coast, which was generally regretted, as the African Country had a lot of "underdog" sympathies on their side, especially after they gave a really nice game to Argentina.

The US were routed by Czechia, and I'm curious to see their next game against Italy (tomorrow, I think).

My own favourite outsider is Australia. They don't usually qualify for the World Championship, but won their first game, and are currently ahead of their group, tied with Brazil. They are playing again on Sunday, which is a bit annoying, as the Sunday games are shown on a commercial channel, which has even worse commenting than the normal ones, and they don't hesitate to show other sports instead when they think the countries aren't interesting to anyone.

As I hear from sam, Australia is very enthusiastic about the championship, it sounds as if the craze over there is comparable to what it is in this country, with football related advertising on each imaginable (and unimaginable) item.

So - is anyone here following the championship?
Is anyone interested in football at all?
If you're following the championship, what are your impressions so far, and what team(s) do you support?

If you are interested, but haven't been following yet, here's a bbc news link with all the info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/footbal ... efault.stm
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Post by Hachimitsu »

I have been following the championship. (As I do every 4 years). I have watched most of the games in the group stage and I hope to eventually go to a World Cup championship some time in my life.

I support Trinidad & Tobago (of course). I doubt they will get out of the group stage but they made Sweden and England pretty worried about their own performance. ;)
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Post by Athrabeth »

Well, Mr. Ath is thrilled to pieces to be watching the matches on wide-screen HD. As he was watching Brazil vs Croatia he called to me (I was in the den, slogging away at report cards)..."You've got to see this! You can count the beads of sweat, it's so clear!!"

Hmmmm...how delightful. :roll:

Last night, I joined him to watch England vs Trinidad & Tobago. I have to admit, it is quite something to see "The Beautiful Game" in HD. The score was still 0-0 after 80 minutes of play when I left to pick up my son from a school dance.......when I got back ten minutes later, it 2-0 for England.


One thing that I found very interesting was the ring of security personnel standing with their backs to the field, gazing intently at the rows of spectators. Unfortunately, at times I began to fixate on them, rather than attending to the game itself........I just couldn't believe how they never seemed to be tempted to have a quick peek around at the action......although I guess there's some pretty interesting action going on up in the stands.

Oh, and I just LOVE it when thousands of voices chant and sing for their team in unison.

BTW, David Beckham looks VERY good in HD.......didn't mind counting his beads of sweat at all. 8)

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Post by Erunáme »

I'm not watching it really, but I do have the matches on and am following along a bit. Iavas is watching them most definately.

I have to say I was disappointed that Germany scored during stoppage time against Poland!

Ath, the English team has a few good looking guys...not just Beckham. Though, they all look like they're the rich, snobbish sort. :neutral:
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Post by Pearly Di »

Erunáme wrote:Ath, the English team has a few good looking guys...not just Beckham. Though, they all look like they're the rich, snobbish sort. :neutral:
You reckon, Eru? :) I know they make a ridiculous amount of money :roll: but basically the English lads strike me as working class lads made good.

Football (soccer, in American-speak) is very much the working class man (and woman's) game here. It's rugby which has the rich middle-class reputation. :D Rugby fans don't go rioting. ;)

One has to admit, Beckham IS very good-looking.

I never watch football but I do take notice of the World Cup. You can't move for all the St. George flags fluttering from cars and hanging from windows round here. I think it's fun :) and I do take a keen interest in England's fortunes.

Just as long as we don't face Germany and then go out on penalties, OMG it seems to be our doom ... :pray: :scarey: :wimper: :D

The general consensus here is that yes, the England team have won their matches, but they're also total pants. Lack-lustre and just not getting it together.

Er, despite the fact that they won.

That's us British. Yeah, we WON, but ... but ... nah, our boys are pants.

I love this country. :D
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Post by Erunáme »

Pearly Di wrote:You reckon, Eru? :) I know they make a ridiculous amount of money :roll: but basically the English lads strike me as working class lads made good.
Sure they were once working class lads, but money changes people. I can't explain it...they just have that look. It's the hair styles and general demeanor...like they know they're awesome, famous, and rich. I could be completely wrong but that's the vibe I get.
It's rugby which has the rich middle-class reputation. :D
Really? Rugby's a sport I could actually get into. :P
I never watch football but I do take notice of the World Cup. You can't move for all the St. George flags fluttering from cars and hanging from windows round here. I think it's fun :) and I do take a keen interest in England's fortunes.
That will be fun to see. Though who knows if England will still be in the World Cup by the time I get there. :P
That's us British. Yeah, we WON, but ... but ... nah, our boys are pants.
LOL. Yup, that's pretty much what I've been hearing. :P
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Post by Sassafras »

Erm, where's my Union Jack? (or, more properly my St George flag)


I'm following as I can. Network TV coverage is sporadic so I've only seen the England/Paraguay game thus far ... but I did download the Mozilla/Firefox link
http://www.mozilla.com/add-ons/jogacompanion/ which keeps me updated.

6 points for England. Next stop Sweden.

Bend it like Beckham, boys ....


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Post by Erunáme »

You have ABC, ESPN and ESPN2 do you not, Sass? I thought you did so you could follow baseball. All the games are viewable through tose channels.

Now what exactly is that Firefox thingy?
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Post by Meneltarma »

I'm usually rather detached during the World Cup. I'm vaguely supporting England (who have been rather a disgrace so far) but I owe my emotional allegiance to my club, not to any particular country. I am rather pleased that Liverpool players have done rather well for their respective countries so far. Being detached is actually much more enjoyable for me - I can just WATCH the football for once.

I'll be in the Netherlands for a week starting the 25th, and am very much hoping I'll find some English commentary.. :oops:
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Post by Meneltarma »

Erunáme wrote:Ath, the English team has a few good looking guys...not just Beckham. Though, they all look like they're the rich, snobbish sort. :neutral:
*Has sudden and amusing image of Peter Crouch* :shock:
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Post by Sassafras »

I don't have cable, Eru, so I'm limited to the matches shown by ABC. :(

I watch baseball (Go Yankees!) on my computer. I have a subscription to MLB.TV which allows me to watch almost every game played.

The firefox thing is an extension with constant scores and updates. Pretty cool, really. I'll uninstall it once the World Cup is over.

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Post by Griffon64 »

Sass uses Firefox! :D :D :D

Teh best 8)

Anyway, I don't really watch soccer ( as we down south call it ) because the local soccer in RSA is pure drivel. I'll sometimes watch some Premier League stuff, though.

South Africa is not even playing in this one ( we did play in all the others since re-admission ) and we'll only be in the 2010 one because we host it! :D

( as an aside - how is MLB.tv, Sass? Watchable? I subscribed from RSA but then got blanked out because appearantly MLB didn't know South Africa existed :roll: and had to cancel. Since the exchange rate differed between subscribing and getting refunded, I at least made some mone on the deal :P )
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Thanks for starting this thread, hobby! You may remember that I mentioned back when the baseball thread was started that I would be interested in discussing the World Cub when it started.

Looks like the home team has advanced to the second round, since Ecuador defeated Costa Rica, thus eliminating Poland (as well as Costa Rica).

Argentina looks strongest so far, though of course it's really too early to tell. The supposedly all-powerful Brazilians should have been able to do better against Croatia.

The U.S. certainly has its work cut out for it. It's not beyond the pale of possibilities that it could beat both Italy and Ghana and still advance, but I wouldn't bet the house (even a dollhouse) on it.
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Post by Sassafras »


Griffy, meet me in the baseball thread. I'll expound on the virtues of MLB.TV.

Of course I use firefox. IE is a walking/browsing magnet for spyware.



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Post by truehobbit »

w00t, such a lot of replies! :D
Wilma wrote:I support Trinidad & Tobago (of course).
I guess it's "of course" because you have links to the place? Is it where your family is from?

Hehe, yes, they did give Sweden and England a hard time! :D Pity they didn't have as much power in attack as they had in defense.
(Although England and Sweden being two of my favourite countries, I'm rooting for them when they play. ;) )
Ath wrote:BTW, David Beckham looks VERY good in HD.......didn't mind counting his beads of sweat at all.
Yes, he looks nice, and there are some others I find quite handsome, too. I used to think football players are totally ugly. (They tend to have crooked legs, too.) But recently I've been finding them better looking.
I must be getting desperate. :shock: ;)
Eru wrote:I have to say I was disappointed that Germany scored during stoppage time against Poland!
Hmmh, I don't have a problem with it being in overtime, but I thought it was embarrassing that they only scored when Poland was one man short.

Similar with today's game - I was so pleased for Angola that they kept the 0:0 even after they had lost one player to a second yellow card. It would have seemed unfair if Mexico had scored then after having been so ineffective all the time before.
Pearl wrote:Just as long as we don't face Germany and then go out on penalties, OMG it seems to be our doom ...

Well, I'd like to see a game Germany - England... :D
The general consensus here is that yes, the England team have won their matches, but they're also total pants. Lack-lustre and just not getting it together.

Er, despite the fact that they won.
Well, but that's true, isn't it?
Winning isn't all. If it's just good luck and it's so obvious the playing is rotten, then there's not much to be proud of. Though that might be an English (or European? or football in general?) thing. I mean, I don't know how it's seen in different countries, but I'd subscribe to that, and from what I hear in the comments over here teams aren't praised for winning, but for giving a good game, and it seems to me the common sense reaction. :) Better maybe a glorious defeat even than a lack-lustre, coincidental win, IMO.
Melly wrote:but I owe my emotional allegiance to my club, not to any particular country. I am rather pleased that Liverpool players have done rather well for their respective countries so far.
That's what I don't understand.
I know that all the real fans are more into club-football than national teams, but I can't understand how finding out who is the best of all the participating countries in the world can be seen as less important than what local team is the best among all the other local teams. Especially as the success of club football is directly related to how much money a team has to buy top-players. To me, that makes winning quite worthless.
I'll be in the Netherlands for a week starting the 25th,
*is very disappointed that Melly will be so close to her soon and hasn't even thought of asking about meeting up* :(
(Ok, a week isn't long, and you'll probably be busy. And if you're in some faraway corner of the Netherlands I couldn't get there easily anyway, I suppose.)

Voronwë wrote:You may remember that I mentioned back when the baseball thread was started that I would be interested in discussing the World Cub when it started.
I do indeed! :D
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Post by Athrabeth »

Meneltarma wrote:
Erunáme wrote:Ath, the English team has a few good looking guys...not just Beckham. Though, they all look like they're the rich, snobbish sort. :neutral:
*Has sudden and amusing image of Peter Crouch* :shock:

Crouch reminds me of a grown-up version of the tall, boney, gangly teen-age boys that often klutz around our home, friends of both my son and daughter......all legs and arms and teeth and adam's apples. I find it astonishing that anyone with limbs that long and skinny could have such control over them.

Here's a great pic of him in action from yesterday's game:


Mr. Ath is definitely rooting for England, his home country, but as always, I have a soft spot for the Netherlands. I've had some memorable times watching Ajax games with my Dutch relatives.

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Post by Nin »

I am openly rooting for Germany, but I will also support Switzerland :D... for once that they take part.

My attachment to the German team is particularly high, as I went to school with the goalkeeper, Jens Lehmann. When the Germans had a training camp in Geneva, we got to meet them and he was really nice, a very simple guy and my orcs got small Teamgeists (the name of the baloon they use) signed by the German team, including Ballack and Miroslav Klose.

And that the Germans (and by the way, the guy who scored the goal was born in Geneva and has a German mum, so is my orcses hero... ) scored so late against Poland was partly bad luck - and the two German who are most likely to score, Klose and Podolski, are of Polish origin - so I wondered if it's hard to beat your home country....

And I like the Swedish team, because some of them are so incredibely yummy looking.... (Ljungberg....).
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Post by Meneltarma »

Hobby. :hug: . If it wasn't for the fact that I get only one week with Dave this year, you know I'd do anything I could to meet you. But..one week...no one should have to deal with seeing the man they're in love with for one week out of the year. :(

Ath - My family were having a long discussion about Crouch during the match, and the way his arms and legs always seem to have an agenda of their own. We've come to the conclusion that his centre of gravity is, in fact, his head. :P
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Post by Lidless »

Ghana beat the Czechs 2-0?

It's about time.
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!!!


:banana: :drink: :music: :thumbsup: :clap: :cheerleader: :rotfl: :bang: :halo: :oops: :love: :drummer: :grouphug:


Oh wait. This thread is about soccer, isn't it? Nevermind. :(

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