Who were the most Important Characters in the History of ME?

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Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Good call Faithful One, Letters does provide a good addition to the mix, so I’ve added a 10th column to the spreadsheet, adjusting some entries – thus #1 now has 944pts, and Eorl is raised to 94th on the list. However, Hammond & Scull have no entries for individual characters at all, and their index is even less character-friendly. I have time, but not that amount of time! :P

And Cloudy One, I used Day’s A-Z of Tolkien as opposed to all his various compendiums and bestiaries. I know his scholarly weaknesses, but his encyclopedia does lend the necessary weight to most of the dwarves, dragons, ents, eagles, horses, and orcs on this list, so that's why I used it. Gwaihir, Landroval, Felarof, Shadowfax, Draugluin, Gloin, Azaghâl, Ghân-buri-Ghân, Elwing, Celebrían, Azog, Bolg, and Thuringwëthil all owe Day most for their points. And, the clincher, Khamul owes 71% of his score to Day, coming in a respectable #159; without Day he would be #428. This isn’t a scholarly project, but one of fun! :)

#’s 90-81:

#90 [109pts] Gwindor Lord of Nargothrond (?-1A 495: ?yrs)
Credited with beginning the Nírnaeth Arnoediad by charging the Enemy upon the sight of his brother Gelmir's mangled corpse, Gwindor is said to have made Morgoth tremble as he approached. He is captured and brought to Angband, but escapes after 14 years, and later frees Túrin, bringing him to Nargothrond. There his counsels against Túrin's policy of open warfare upon Morgoth's forces are ignored, and he is slain in the Battle of Tumhalad. He loved Finduilas.

#89 [112pts] Beorn (3A c.2910-c.2990?: c.80yrs?):
The skin-changer, or were-bear, originating from some unknown magical source, played an integral part in the journey of Thorin’s company, both as one of Tolkien’s archetypal quest guardians between Rivendell and Mirkwood, and in the victory of the Battle of 5 Armies. Tolkien made it clear that he belonged to the race of Men, and his lifespan was that of an ordinary Man, but he had a unique power, and used it to good ends. He also, along with Beren, is the representative vegetarian in Tolkien’s world.

#88 [112pts] Gothmog Lord of Balrogs (?-1A 510: c.48,400yrs?):
Foremost of the Maiar corrupted by Melkor to become Balrogs, Gothmog was Captain of the hosts of Morgoth. He slew Fëanor after the 2nd Battle of Beleriand, and helped slay Fingon and capture Húrin in the Nírnaeth Arnoediad. He also led the victorious assault upon Gondolin, in which he slew, but was also slain by, Ecthelion of the Fountain. In as much as the Ainur may be said to have familial connections, Gothmog or Kosomot, was at one time considered as the son of Melkor.

#87 [114pts] Thranduil 2nd King of the Woodland Realm (c.1A 500?- ?: c.6700yrs?):
Thranduil’s accomplishments cut across all Tolkien’s writings. His golden hair and fathering Legolas may help place his birth. Thranduil’s father Oropher, surviving Doriath, established the Woodland Realm in the 2nd Age. That Thranduil was born at Sirion’s Havens, where the survivors of Doriath and Gondolin, including the original Legolas and other golden-haired Noldor (ie. Glorfindel who perished along the way) abided for 2 decades, is probable. He reigned from the end of the 2nd Age into the 4th Age; captured Thorin’s company; led an Army in the subsequent Battle; received the Arkenstone briefly from Bilbo; and helped rebuild Minas Tirith after the War of the Ring.

#86 [114pts] Huan Hound of Valinor (c.YT 500?-1A 468: c.13,500yrs?):
Born in Valinor, Huan was given to Celegorm by Oromë, and accompanied the Noldor to Middle-earth. The Valar gave him the ability to speak 3 times, but he was prophesied to die by the greatest wolf. Huan became involved in Beren’s quest by rescuing Lúthien from Celegorm, speaking for the 1st time. He defeated Wolf-Sauron, before returning to Celegorm. Once again Huan turned against his master, speaking for the 2nd time telling Beren and Lúthien his plan to enter Angband, bringing them corpses of Draugluin and Thuringwëthil they used for disguise. Huan joined Beren who won the Silmaril but lost his hand to the wolf Carcharoth. They managed to kill Carcharoth, but Huan, mortally wounded, spoke for the 3rd time, wishing Beren and Lúthien farewell.

#85 [116pts] Goldberry (?yrs)
Wife of Tom Bombadil, and daughter of the River-woman, a large part of the literature placing Goldberry at this position is due to speculation about her existence. She is as enigmatic as Tom; best guesses see her as some form of eternal river-spirit. Tolkien himself explains her as symbolically representing the seasonal changes in real river-lands in autumn. Her importance to Arda thus remains equally enigmatic, but considering Tom will appear much nearer to #1, this is surely an apt place for her to appear.

#84 [118pts] Elros Tar-Minyatur 1st King of Númenor (1A 532-2A 442: 500yrs):
Born at Sirion’s Havens to Eärendil and Elwing, Elros was given the choice of Lúthien - to be Elf or Man – but unlike twin brother Elrond, he chose the latter. Captured by the sons of Fëanor for Elwing's refusal to relinquish a Silmaril, Maedhros and Maglor later repented, taking care of them. But attempting to regain the Silmarils, they left the twins near a forest waterfall where they were found, thus Elros was named "Elf of the Spray". The Valar raised an island for Elros and the Edain to dwell in, and guided by the Star of Eärendil they came to Númenor and were granted long life-spans. As Tar-Minyatur Elros became the 1st King of Númenor, the convention by which succeeding kings took their royal title. He ruled for 410 years, had 4 children, and died at age 500.

#83 [122pts] Caranthir the Dark 4th son of Fëanor (c.YT 1220-1A 506: c.3200yrs):
Named Morifinwë ‘Dark Finwë’ or Carnistir ‘Red Face’, Caranthir was the quickest to anger of Fëanor’s sons, had little love for his cousins, and in the Mithrim Noldor council after the abdication to Fingolfin he spoke out harshly but was rebuked by Maedhros. He rescued the Haladin as they were besieged by Orcs, and offered them lands, but Haleth refused him. The Folk of Ulfang swore fealty to him, settling in Thargelion, but Uldor betrayed the Noldor in the 5th Battle. Caranthir's realm in Thargelion controlled Dwarven traffic, and gained great wealth, though there was little warmth between them. Caranthir may have attacked and destroyed the Dwarves of Nogrod after their sack of Doriath. But he perished during the 2nd Kinslaying, trying to reclaim the Silmaril from Dior.

#82 [125pts] Eöl Mornedhel the Dark Elf (?-1A 400: ?yrs):
Eöl was one of the few Avari in Beleriand, learning his forging skills from dwarves, earning his appointment by Thingol. When Melian enclosed Doriath, Eöl moved to Nan Elmoth, where all traffic between elves and dwarves passed though. There he devised galvorn, a strong and malleable black metal which he fashioned into armour, and also forged 2 black magic swords made from meteorite metal: Anglachel was eventually used by Túrin to slay Glaurung; and Anguirel was stolen by his imprisoned wife Aredhel sister of Turgon when she and their son Maeglin left secretly for Gondolin due to Eöl resenting the Noldor, whose swordcraft he surpassed. He pursued them to Gondolin but was captured and brought before Turgon. He chose death instead of acknowledging Turgon’s authority, calling a curse upon Maeglin, eventually coming true.

#81 [127pts] Beleg Cúthalion chief marchwarden of Doriath (?-1A 489: ?yrs):
Beleg Strongbow, named for his skill as an archer, whose bow could only be drawn by him, was also master of axe, sword and spear, and had magical skills with weapons. He was also a master of healing; was unequalled in hunting skills; followed no man, and could not be restrained. He led Orc battles in Brethil, Dimbar, and the North March; was a member of the hunting party for Carcharoth; and fought in the Nírnaeth Arnoediad. He is granted the sword Anglachel, becomes the mentor and friend of Túrin, and follows him into exile. When Túrin is captured, Beleg is grievously wounded but recovers swiftly and tracks the Orcs; meeting Gwindor, they rescue Túrin, as Beleg slays wolves in the dark. Removing Túrin's bonds Beleg accidentally cuts Túrin, who awakens enraged and mistakenly kills him. Grieving, Túrin then takes Anglachel.

Next #80-71...
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Hammond & Scull have no entries for individual characters at all, and their index is even less character-friendly. I have time, but not that amount of time!
Fair enough, Genetic One (;)). And fair enough also regarding your inclusion of Day. I'm glad you included Letters.

Did I mention that this is really cool?

This is really cool. 8)
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

This next 10 is a very Elf-centered batch, with only 1 Man, and 2 creatures that represent the 2nd highest-ranking entries of their respective animal classes...

#80 [129pts] Celeborn the Wise (YT c.1350-?: c.8600yrs)
Celeborn detractors will wonder how this kept Elf is wedged between the Strongbow and Thingol’s Heir; but as a grand-nephew of Thingol, a prince of Doriath, a lord of Lindon, Eregion, and Lórien, a worthy combatant of Sauron in the 2nd Age, a partner of the greatest Elf of all, a great aid to the Fellowship of the Ring, great-grandfather and elder statesman to King Eldarion and inheritor of Rivendell into the 4th Age, one should wonder why he’s not closer to #1!

#79 [129pts] Dior Eluchíl the Beautiful 2nd and last King of Doriath (1A 470-507: 37yrs)
For an Elf to have lived only 37 years is a relative blink of an eye, but Dior was half-Man, as well as a quarter-Elf and quarter-Maia, and many Men have lived 30-odd years with great accomplishment. Dior’s accomplishments were to have been a protector of the Silmaril of his father Beren, a brief King and restorer of Doriath, important enemy of the sons of Fëanor, slaying Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir, and being sire of Elwing the White wife of Eärendil, bearer of the Silmaril to the Havens.

#78 [131pts] Shelob the Great (?yrs)
Her Ladyship was a descendant of the Spiders of Nan Dungortheb, escaped the ruin of Beleriand, and for 2 Ages guarded Mordor at Cirith Ungol. She trapped and released Gollum, who later guided Frodo and Sam to her lair. She paralyzed Frodo, but was blinded and stabbed by Sam, inadvertently providing him with one of his most heroic deeds. She apparently survived the experience, at least temporarily; though her eventual fate is unknown.

#77 [133pts] Finduilas Faelivrin daughter of Orodreth (1A ?-496: ?yrs)
The Noldor Princess of Nargothrond was in love with Gwindor until the coming of Túrin, who failed to return her love. Gwindor on his death laid upon Túrin the duty to protect her, prophesying that she alone could save him from his fate. But she was captured by Orcs during the Sack of Nargothrond, and slain when they were ambushed by Men of Brethil. The Haladin buried her, and when Túrin finally tracked her to Brethil and learned of her death, he swooned almost lifeless upon her burial mound. He later led attacks against Orcs as they passed near the Mound, and the place was soon feared by the Enemy. Túrin found Nienor naked upon it, and Glaurung avoided it. Noting that Glaurung's fear of it had bought time and allowed an ambush, Túrin declared that Gwindor spoke the truth.

#76 [133pts] Smaug the Golden (?-3A 2941: ?yrs)
Greatest dragon of his Age, and greatest of the fire-drakes, Smaug destroyed Dale and drove the Dwarves away from the Kingdom under the Mountain upon hearing of the wealth of Erebor. Most of the Dwarves unfortunate enough to be caught inside were exterminated. Smaug gathered all the wealth of Erebor and Dale into one vast heap. His wrath was so feared that none came to challenge. For 2 centuries he gloried in his treasure until, disturbed and angered by Thorin's Company, he savagely attacked Esgaroth. He was eventually slain by Bard the Bowman rightful heir of Dale, after leaking out his one weakness by his own vanity and conceit.

#75 [133pts] Olwë King of the Teleri in Aman (YT c.1085-?: c.11,200yrs)
As Elwë’s brother, Olwë led the 2nd host of the 3rd Kindred of the Eldar in their March. After Elwë’s disappearance, Olwë was chosen as King of the Teleri and led all of them he could gather to Tol Eressëa and Alqualondë. During the revolt of the Noldor he refused to give his swan-ships to Fëanor. However, Olwë’s daughter Eärwen was already wed to Finarfin of the Noldor in Aman, bearing Finrod and Galadriel who both honourably carried the legacy of both Kindreds. As far as is known, Olwë and Finarfin along with Vanyar King Ingwë, ruled as Kings of the 3 Kindreds in Aman into the 4th Age of Middle-earth.

#74 [134pts] Míriel Serindë 1st wife of Finwë (YT ?-1170: ?yrs)
Míriel Þerindë, or Míriel Byrde the broideress, was the 1st wife of Finwë King of the Noldor. Their son was Curufinwë, whom she named Fëanor 'Spirit of Fire'. The bearing of such a child exhausted her physically and spiritually, and filled her with foreboding for the future. After giving birth she wished to die, an impossibility as an immortal within Arda; but her spirit was allowed to depart her body, and she entered the halls of Mandos. This was a shocking event to the Valar, and eventually led to the 2nd marriage and family of Finwë, isolating young Fëanor; and to the Rebellion of the Noldor and all later events. Míriel's silver hair, unusual for the 'Noldorin Elda' she was, suggests her mother may have been of the House of Elwë of the Teleri.

#73 [135pts] Fingon 5th King of the Noldor (YT c.1250-1A 472: c.2850yrs)
Fingon was born in Aman, and returned to Middle-earth in the vanguard of the Noldor Rebellion, as a friend of cousin Maedhros. On their return to Middle-earth he resolved to heal the breach between the Houses of Fëanor and Fingolfin. Aided by Thorondor, he heroically freed Maedhros chained upon Thangorodrim, an act compelling Maedhros to abdicate his Kingship to Fingolfin. Fingon then settled in Dor-lómin, witnessing the arrival of the Edain, and fighting valiantly in the Wars of Beleriand, notably defeating Glaurung upon his issuing forth from Angband. He became King of the Noldor on the death of Fingolfin following the Dagor Bragollach, but he himself was slain by Balrogs in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, reigning for only 18 years. His rank is probably minimized simply due to the number of Noldor Kings with more consequential reigns, including brother Turgon who inherited his Kingship. Plus Fingon, despite some writings, appears to have had no wife or children.

#72 [143pts] Gríma Wormtongue (3A c.2970-3019: c.50yrs?)
Gríma, chief counselor to Théoden, was also an agent of Saruman, giving his master information about Rohan while enfeebling the King with his lies. His reward was to have been Éowyn. But after Gandalf renewed Théoden, Gríma fled to Isengard where he kept Saruman company during his imprisonment, and eventually accompanied him to the Shire. There, after great mistreatment by his master, he killed Saruman in front of Frodo, the act that probably justifies his high-ranking; but was himself slain by the Hobbits. He was called Wormtongue in Rohan due to his evil counsel.

#71 [143pts] Orodreth 2nd and last King of Nargothrond (YT c.1400-1A 496: c.1450yrs)
Orodreth, despite some writings, appears to have been son of Angrod 2nd son of Finarfin, and was born in Aman, where he was friendly with Fingolfin’s sons, and spoke for moderation during the Noldor Rebellion. However he followed his elders into exile, and held the original Minas Tirith for his uncle Finrod, defending the Pass of Sirion during the Dagor Bragollach. He was driven out by Sauron and fled to Nargothrond, where he became Regent while Finrod went on Beren’s Quest. There he was undermined by the sons of Fëanor, until they were driven out and he was named King. At first he maintained Finrod’s policy of isolation, and refused to join in battles, but was later persuaded by Túrin to change policy and for a while his realm was cleansed of Orcs. Morgoth retaliated by sending Glaurung and an army to sack Nargothrond, and Orodreth perished fighting in the front lines. Marrying a Sindarin woman, he fathered Finduilas and future High-King of Middle-earth Gil-galad.

Next, 5 Elves & 3 Men (3 of which are women), 1 Eagle and 1 Wolf... :)
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

dna wrote:a partner of the greatest Elf of all
Not according to Tolkien. ;) (Of course you'll argue that Lúthien was half-Maia, and therefore doesn't count.)
#74 [134pts] Míriel Serindë 1st wife of Finwë (YT ?-1170: ?yrs)
You know I have a problem with Míriel being so low on the list. Grima Wormtongue is a more important character than Míriel? Please. ;)
Orodreth, despite some writings, appears to have been son of Angrod 2nd son of Finarfin
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Galadriel is not the highest ranking Elf on this list Faithful One, but as you are well aware Tolkien does say she surpasses Fëanor as the greatest Elf in the end. And Lúthien, for all intents and purposes, is not considered an Elf, though she still would not be the highest ranking one ;) .

Míriel is low on the list, just as Mother Mary is low on the lists of greatest human beings of all time, getting maybe Honourable Mention on those that I've seen. Begetting someone special is not the be-all and the end-all of importance, with all due respect to mothers everywhere! #74 is very respectable considering... By far her most important contributing factor is her mentions on this thread, which should legitimize the minimal weight I placed on it; and 2nd is her mentions in HoMe! When anyone has anything full and important to say about the life of Míriel, she seems to come up short, thus her Mother Mary complex! Grima Wormtongue slayed a Maia who makes the top-20, and as such is one of the lowest ranking slayers of the highest ranking characters there is! But certainly keep up with the critiques, everybody, I'll want a fair assessment in the end! :)

And Orodreth's genealogy probably plays little part in his ranking, one way or another, but I'm just letting Wikipedia do the talking... :P

So, after #65, since we’ll begin entering the realm of the Fellowship, I’ll cease with the lengthy synopses and lean more to justifying the character’s ranking…

#70 [143pts] Maglor 2nd son of Fëanor (YT c.1200-2A?: yrs?)
The greatest Noldo bard inherited more of his mother's gentler temperament, than his father’s hubris. Maglor, or ‘Gold-cleaver’ alluding to his skill with the harp and power of his voice, was briefly the Noldor leader after Fëanor death and Maedhros’ imprisonment. Under his leadership, the Noldor fortified the northern shore of Lake Mithrim after Maglor refused Morgoth's demands, and had their 1st contact with the Sindar. He chose neither to confront nor to reconcile with Fingolfin, acting on the shame of his followers, but went east with his brothers, assigned to guard Maglor’s Gap, the most vulnerable part of their defences. However, his relationship with the other Noldor mirrored Maedhros, who desired to unify against Morgoth. Maglor was present at the Feast of Reuniting, hosted by Fingolfin upon Maedhros’ abdication (Daeron, greatest bard of all Eldar was also there, but nothing is said of their meeting). The Gap was breached during the 3rd Battle, but the Orcs were destroyed, and the brothers later beat back an Enemy attack. In the 4th Battle, the Enemy overran Maglor's Gap, and Maglor retreated to Maedhros’ stronghold. But he did kill Uldor the Accursed after his betrayal in the 5th Battle, after which the brothers retreated to Mount Dolmed. Maglor later took part in the attacks to recover the Silmaril from Doriath and the Havens of Sirion, but saved and fostered Elrond and Elros, and a bond of love grew between them. After the War of Wrath he tried to dissuade Maedhros from stealing the 2 Silmarils taken from Morgoth, but went along with him, and they burned in their hands. Unable to bear the suffering, Maglor cast his Silmaril into the sea. Thereafter he wandered along the shores of the world, singing laments over the loss of the jewel, until he faded from memory. He composed the Noldolantë, and Tolkien suggests he was probably married. There is speculation that he remained into the 4th Age, forbidden to return to Valinor.

#69 [144pts] Aredhel Ar-Feiniel White Lady of the Noldor (YT 1362-1A 400: 1722yrs)
Aredhel was the daughter of Fingolfin and Anairë; younger sister of Fingon, Turgon, and Argon (all re: Wikipedia & HoMe ;) ); wife of Eöl, and mother of Maeglin. She represents the rebel bad girl of Tolkien. She was tall, strong, beautiful, pale-skinned, dark-haired, extremely wilful and fickle, easily bored and restless, fond of hunting and riding in the forests, and always wore silver and white. Though fond of the sons of Fëanor, she never weds any one of them. In Middle-earth, she lived with Turgon in Nevrast and Gondolin. But after 2 centuries she tires of the city and asks leave to depart. Turgon fearing exposure is initially unwilling. But he relents, sending an escorting party, who are denied passage through Doriath because Aredhel seeks the sons of Fëanor. Aredhel is eventually separated from her escort, waits to meet Celegorm, but becomes lost in Eöl’s forest of Nan Elmoth. By his enchantments, they meet, and he leads her to his dark home where they wed and she stays for many years, bearing Maeglin. Telling Eöl of her former life, and weary of Nan Elmoth, Aredhel desires to leave. Without Eöl's knowledge, she departs Nan Elmoth with Maeglin. They reach the hidden entrance to Gondolin and are well-received. Eöl, pursuing, is captured and brought before Turgon, who offers him to stay forever or die. Eöl refuses his judgement, and attempts to kill his son, but Aredhel steps in front of the poisoned dart, shielding Maeglin, and dies.

#68 [144pts] Thorondor King of Eagles (?yrs)
Thorondor (Quenya, Sorontar ‘King of Eagles’), the greatest of the Eagles of Manwë having a wingspan of 55 meters, was sent by the Vala King to watch over the Noldor after they arrived in Beleriand. They 1st encountered him when he helped Fingon rescue Maedhros from imprisonment upon Thangorodrim. After that, the Eagles settled in the Crissaegrim, and when Gondolin was built, Thorondor became the ever vigilant guardian of the city. He rescued Fingolfin’s body from defilement after Morgoth killed him, giving the Dark Lord a scar on his face. He and 2 other Eagles rescued Beren and Lúthien when Angband was aroused. And when Gondolin fell, Thorondor rescued the survivors. During the War of Wrath, Thorondor and Eärendil led the Eagles in battle with the Dragons, and he may have fought with Ancalagon the Black. Thorondor is never mentioned after this, but it is believed he returned to Valinor, although his descendants Gwaihir and Landroval remained behind.

#67 [144pts] Ingwë High King of the Eldar (YT 1050?-?: 11,540yrs?)
Some writings proclaim Ingwë to be the 1st Elf to have awoke in Cuiviénen, though this is debatable. Regardless, the leader of the 1st Kindred of Eldar was foremost of the 3 Elf ambassadors to Aman, and persuades all the Vanyar to follow him there, where he becomes High-king of all Eldar. Because of this he is called Ingwë Ingweron ‘Chief of Chieftains’ and lives in Taniquetil, ruling beneath Manwë. His son was Ingil Ingwion, original King of Tol Eressëa, and he had other unnamed children. He may have returned to Middle-earth only once, leading the Host of the Vanyar to the Great Battle which overthrew Morgoth, although again it is debatable if it was in fact his son that led the campaign. At one time Tolkien equated Ingwë with Ing of Scandinavian and English legend, having him being driven east over the sea by Ossë and becoming ruler of the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons, and essentially the eponymous ancestor of the Ingvaeones, a people mentioned by Tacitus as one of the 3 divisions of Germanic tribes, ultimately equating him with the god Freyr, lord of the Elves in Álfheim. Ingwë’s ranking, below that of other Elves, can be due to these obscurities, as well as his aloofness from the affairs of Middle-earth.

#66 [147pts] Elwing the White (1A 503-?: 6721yrs)
Elwing ‘Star-spray’ is counted among Elves, but was one of the Half-elven. She is notable for saving her grandfather Beren’s Silmaril both from Doriath, where she had help escaping as a child of 3 as her entire family was killed, and later from the destruction of the Havens of Sirion, where she ruled with her husband Eärendil, similar survivor of Gondolin. With him, she bore Elrond and Elros, before sailing to Valinor to plead for help for Middle-earth, after the remaining sons of Fëanor descended upon the Havens, and she cast herself into the sea rather than be captured, and was changed into a great white bird by Ulmo so she could find Eärendil at sea. The Valar eventually heeded their plea, and gave them and their sons the choice of kindred, and she elected to be with the Elves and live in the Blessed Realm. But instead of traveling with Eärendil and the Silmaril on his nightly sky-voyages, she lived in a white tower next to the Sea conversing with the seabirds and flying among them.

#65 [151pts] Carcharoth Anfauglir Wolf of Angband (YT c.1000?-1A 468: c.5300yrs?)
Carcharoth ‘Red Maw’, or Anfauglir ‘Jaws of Thirst’, was the greatest wolf that ever lived, bred with the specific goal of killing Huan Hound of Valinor, a goal in which he succeeded: Morgoth, as well as Sauron, was aware of the prophecies regarding Huan's death and set out to make the prophecy come true. Born of the foul breed of the Wolves of Angband, and fed Elf and Man by Morgoth's own hand, infusing his powers into the flesh, Carcharoth tirelessly guarded his Dark Throne in Angband. He became involved with the Quest for the Silmaril when Beren and Lúthien had to pass him on their way in. Lúthien enchanted him with her magic, but on their way out Carcharoth attacked before Lúthien could do so again. Beren held out the captured Silmaril in an attempt to stay the beast, but Carcharoth bit off Beren's hand and swallowed it together with the Silmaril, which burned away his insides, and he became crazed with pain. A terror before all, he passed south through Beleriand, finally arriving in Doriath. There Beren, Thingol, Beleg, Mablung, and Huan hunted down the Wolf. Carcharoth was killed by Huan, but Huan soon afterwards died from his wounds. When his belly was cut open, the Silmaril was found with Beren's hand still around it, but Carcharoth’s flesh was immediately swept away by a wind.

#64 [152pts] Boromir son of Denethor (3A 2978-3019: 41yrs)
Tolkien named Legolas as the least important of the Fellowship, but this must surely exclude Boromir who died along the way. Boromir’s legacy is a tragic lesson in what could have been. His rank however is well-deserved as he led the defense of Osgiliath against Sauron in 3018; bore the tidings from Gondor at the Council of Elrond; accompanied the Fellowship through Moria and Lórien all the way to the Orc attack on Amon Hen. There he, albeit through evil intentions, persuades Frodo to carry on the Quest alone, before dying while defending Merry and Pippin.

#63 [157pts] Nienor Niniel sister and wife of Túrin (1A 473-499: 26yrs)
Nienor, possibly the greatest anomaly with respect to the question of importance to Arda and Middle-earth, attains this ranking due to her central place in all the writings of the Túrin story. Nonetheless, her relative importance cannot be denied, as Glaurung, foremost of Dragons, approached and acknowledged her, even taunting and enchanting her, knowing her as daughter of Húrin, whose family was specifically cursed by Morgoth. Later, Glaurung’s last words would lead to her suicide, although only by revealing the truth that she had married her brother. In turn, this news and her suicide would lead to Túrin’s taking of his own life. In the original story it was said that after their deaths the siblings passed through the ‘bath of flame’ and all their sorrows and stains were washed away, and they dwelt as gods. Nothing specifically overturns this, and Túrin of course, in almost all completed versions of the tale will fulfill the 2nd Prophecy by slaying Morgoth; all of which easily justifies this ranking for Nienor.

#62 [157pts] Hador Lórindol the Golden-haired (1A 390-455: 65yrs)
Hador Lórindol 'Goldenhead', named for his blond hair, was the great-great-grandson of Marach, 1st recorded chieftain of the 3rd House of the Edain which later became commonly known as the House of Hador. Hador’s son Galdor the Tall himself bore Húrin and Huor. Hador entered the household of Fingolfin in his youth, and was well-liked by the king, who granted to Hador the lordship of Dor-lómin. The Folk of Hador remained thereafter loyal to Fingolfin and for his cause marched to war against Morgoth, though under their own Lord. He also received the famed Dragon-helm, becoming an heirloom of his line. Hador was slain during the 4th Battle, defending the rearguard of Fingolfin.

#61 [158pts] Maeglin Lord of the House of the Mole of Gondolin (1A 320-510: 190yrs)
The story of Maeglin’s begetting and youth has been described in the entries of her parents Eöl (#82) and Aredhel (#69). Suffice it to say, aiding the persuasion of Aredhel leaving Eöl, realizing he might be heir to Turgon, prospering in Gondolin for his knowledge of metals, not to mention his incestuous desire for Idril, established his penchant for evil ways. Captured by Orcs while on a secret trip, he agreed to betray the realm. That he did, and more than anyone, he’s responsible for the fall of Gondolin, thus his place, just shy of the top 60.

Next, #s 60-51, we have 3 Men/women of unique status, 2 more Noldor Elves, 2 creatures who represent the epitome of their classes, as well as 3 Valar!
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#60 [161pts] Aulë (c.55,100yrs)
He fashioned the substances of Arda; made the Dwarves; tutored the Noldor; Sauron and Saruman were both his pupils; was a principal aid in the overthrow of Morgoth; and he is ultimately 3rd on the Valar pedestal behind only Ulmo and Manwë. So why is he only #60? Other than this spreadsheet project not having the capability to quantify such actions, Aulë’s humility and compassion forced him to submit to the will of Ilúvatar, essentially ‘falling in line’. The rest of the Valar, except for one significantly removed, will not be too far to follow, including his wife - actions in Middle-earth having a premium, which seems very much in accord with Tolkien’s legendarium.

#59 [166pts] Éomer Éadig 18th King of Rohan (3A 2991-4A 63: 93yrs)
Case in point! How does a normal Man place so high? Other than his literary presence in LotR guaranteeing the quantitative sum he’s achieved, Éomer did prove to be critical during the War of the Ring, fighting valiantly at the Hornburg, the Pelennor Fields, and the Morannon (a troika of a very select few); he was named heir of Rohan by Théoden upon his death; and met Aragorn in the midst of battle, both strategically critical and establishing a legendary friendship that would lead to the renewing of the Oath of Eorl. His long reign is only hinted at as the important and colourful rule that it must have been. And he married Lothíriel of Dol Amroth, producing a son Elfwine the Fair, his successor as King of Rohan.

#58 [168pts] Treebeard (?yrs)
Highest placing Ent, for good reason. Before balking at ‘the Eldest’ placing so low, consider that in a ‘most important 1000 people’ list, a Tree appears, with only 57 Gods, Devils, Elves, and a few others, before him. As an Ent, he was certainly physically limited from playing an important role, yet as the 1st of their order, as well as being more responsible for the destruction of Saruman than anyone, his position seems fitting.

#57 [169pts] Eriol Ælfwine (AD c.420-?: ?yrs)
This one no doubt needs some explanation. Eriol of the Lost Tales alone would have placed in the top 100, but I decided to equate him with the Ælfwine that pervaded Tolkien’s writings until the late 50’s (as did Drout in his Eriol/Ælfwine entry), which I’ve done with many other characters who play the same role, having different names in various versions. Although Ælfwine in the later conceptions was clearly an Anglo-Saxon from the time of Alfred and Edward, and Eriol was early-on to be the 5th century father of Hengest and Horsa, the story is that Eriol drank limpë in Eressëa and somehow gained immortality so it can all be meshed with little concern for this purpose. In combining the 2, the HoMe index alone would have gotten him in the top 100; Drout’s entry gets him in the top 60; and Wikipedia, and his mention in Letters, place him here. In the end, Eriol is a crucial link between the full extent of Tolkien’s storytelling and the history of Arda.

#56 [174pts] Finarfin (YT 1230-?: 9810yrs)
2nd son of Finwë and Indis, and 3rd son of Finwë, Finarfin’s begetting both Finrod and Galadriel would raise him to more than an honourable mention. But he reluctantly joined in the pursuit of Melkor, before returning to Tirion deterred by Fëanor’s conduct in the Kinslaying and by the Doom of Mandos, and was forgiven and given the rule of the Noldor in Aman. Furthermore, he led them to Middle-earth in the Great Battle. He was the fairest and wisest of the sons of Finwë, and seems to have inherited the Kingship of all the Noldor, at the very least by the 3rd Age. Yet his 2 brothers are still to come – again the aloofness from Middle-earth, and emphasis on deeds good or ill, being the factors.

#55 [176pts] Yavanna Kementári (c.55,100yrs)
She will not be the last woman to place ahead of her husband, in fact 3 more will do so! But the Queen of the Earth is well-deserving of her station. She watches over all the growing things of Arda, having planted the 1st seeds, is responsible for the Ents, if not the Eagles, and her gardens in Valinor are the source of miruvórë. But her greatest creations were the Two Trees, Galathilion, and bringing forth the flower and fruit which became the Moon and Sun. She will also play a significant role in the 2nd Prophecy and the Rekindling.

#54 [176pts] Celebrimbor (1A c.300?-2A 1697: c.2000yrs)
Son of Curufin the Crafty, grandson of Fëanor, Celebrimbor would have been King of the Noldor for the 2nd Age if things had gone differently. But, taking after his grandfather, he was much more interested in his own crafts, repudiating the deeds of his House after the death of Finrod. He was Lord of Eregion and leader of the Elvensmiths, singlehandedly forging the 3 Elven Rings and had a hand in the forging of the 7 and the 9. He perceived Sauron’s treachery and hid the 3, but the Doom of the Noldor still encompassed him, and he was slain by Sauron in the Wars, preserving the Rings under torture.

#53 [178pts] Morwen Edhelwen wife of Húrin (1A 443-501: 58yrs)
Middle member of the cursed family of Húrin (Nienor #63 and Urwen Lalaith #196), the Lady of Dor-lómin was for a short time the hands-on parent of Túrin, responsible for his 1st of many sorrows, not following him to Doriath as promised. She was protected from the Easterlings by the majesty of her bearing, and the dark beauty she possessed, and was so called the Elfsheen. She died of grief in Húrin’s arms at Túrin’s grave. Her claim to fame however, is no doubt bearing Túrin Turambar.

#52 [184pts] Oromë (c.55,100yrs)
Discoverer and teacher of the Elves in Cuiviénen, and leader of the Eldar on their westward March, Oromë is possibly the Vala with the most hands-on interaction in Middle-earth. He was the Great Hunter of the Valar, and with Tulkas performed their deeds of prowess, gave Huan to the sons of Fëanor, and may have brought the Mearas and the Kine of Araw to Middle-earth. He was one of the Aratar, and rivals the big 3 of their lords.

#51 [190pts] Ungoliant (?yrs)
By poisoning the Two Trees and challenging Morgoth himself after their destruction, to the point where he submitted to everything short of the Silmarils, Ungoliant was a darkness that cannot be denied. However, she was definitely inflated in power due to this one act, and was driven off by Morgoth’s Balrogs in the end. Furthermore, her lasting impact was in her offspring, as she is said to have devoured herself in hunger, if not slain by Eärendil. Just shy of the top 50 is probably an adequate station for this monster, and highest representative of the breed of Spiders.

Next: 5 Kings, a Queen, and a Steward dominate #s 50-41 – 4 Men, 2 Elves and a Dwarf, to be precise. The other 3 being yet another bad son of Fëanor, another Vala of note, and the highest ranking Man with never a hint of an unnatural lifespan, though she’s a woman! ;)
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

she is said to have devoured herself in hunger
Well, that is one story. The other story is that she was killed by Eärendil, and that is a much more satisfying tale, for both of them.
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Good call, and already rectified, Steadfast One! That shouldn't affect their respective stations at any rate! Any other concerns, be sure and say so? ;)
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

Definitely no concerns. I am finding this quite fascinating. The biggest surprise so far is probably Eriol Ælfwine. I didn't expect to see him.

I know I'm in trouble if you start calling me "Shiny One" :P
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Post by solicitr »

I dunno- I really like 'in her uttermost famine she devoured herself at last'- nihilism par exellance!
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We’re now in the top-50, those with 190pts and over – no flukes, I think, here on in!

#50 [190pts] Ar-Pharazôn the Golden 24th and last King of Númenor (2A 3118-3319: 201yrs)
There are only 2 Kings of Númenor in the top-100, the 1st and last, though the rest all appear soon down the list. That Ar-Pharazôn is here and not in the top-20 is probably questionable, until one considers that shortly after his monumental landing in Middle-earth, it is really Sauron that controls him completely. What this ambitious and popular Númenorean did accomplish in 3261 of the 2nd Age alone is probably worthy of his rank, but Elros himself at #84 should put things in perspective. After all, Númenor (to paraphrase Churchill) was all about great events and a population of great Men, not so much about a few great Men... who were all in Andúnië. ;)

#49 [195pts] Celegorm 3rd son of Fëanor (YT c.1210-1A 506: c.3300yrs)
Celegorm ‘Hasty-riser’, describing his quick temper (father name Turkafinwë ‘Strong Finwë’) was a great huntsman, and was a friend of Oromë, from whom he received Huan and knowledge of birds, beasts, and languages. He ambushed Orc armies in the 2nd Battle as they marched north, and with his brother Curufin and nephew Celebrimbor he settled in Himlad and fortified the Pass of Aglon. But in the 4th Battle the pass was breached despite fierce resistance, and they, with the survivors of Himlad, marched west and rescued Orodreth from Sauron’s assault at Tol Sirion. They then escaped the fall of Minas Tirith and entered Nargothrond, aiding Finrod and winning a large following. But they opposed Finrod's mission with Beren, and their words caused the people to turn against him. They captured Lúthien, whom Celegorm wished to marry, forcing kinship with Thingol; but Huan broke with his master and helped Lúthien escape. Celegorm and Curufin were driven from Nargothrond after their deeds were revealed; they vowed to destroy Thingol after he had denied to give up the Silmaril; and they were responsible for Nargothrond and Doriath not joining the Union of Maedhros. Celegorm was also instrumental in the 2nd Kinslaying, stirring up his brothers in assaulting Doriath for Dior’s Silmaril, but Dior and Celegorm slew each other in the halls of Menegroth.

#48 [196pts] Denethor II 26th and last Ruling Steward of Gondor (3A 2930-3019: 89yrs)
We go from the highest ranking King of Númenor at #50, to the highest ranking Ruling Steward of Gondor at #48. Seems like an anomaly but for the fact that these 2 both were the epitome of the power of Mankind at their time; were ultimately betrayed by Sauron, as well as their own pride; directly challenged the Powers of the West; and were critical, for all the wrong reasons, in the end of an Age. Though one Age producing a novel, and not the other Age, may have played a small part. ;)

#47 [196pts] Théoden Ednew 17th King of Rohan (3A 2948-3019: 71yrs)
More fitting maybe than Denethor’s outranking Ar-Pharazôn, is Théoden’s edging (tie in fact) of Denethor. These 2 have been compared and contrasted in more ways than can be related. As King of Rohan in a critical time, he was renewed (by someone who will appear very close to #1) and thereafter delivered in a way that is possibly unmatched in the legendarium: “And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin’s sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.”

#46 [201pts] Finwë 1st King of the Noldor (YT c.1080-1495 : c.4000yrs)
An Elf ambassador to Valinor, leader of the 2nd Kindred, and progenitor of the Laws and Customs of the Eldar, Finwë should be at least at this ranking. But Finwë's wife is #74; the 1st ambassador to Valinor is #67; the 3rd is still to come; as are important Noldor Kings yet! Finwë was no doubt a crucial figure, but he still has descendants that outdo him.

#45 [203pts] Thorin II Oakenshield King of Durin’s Folk (3A 2746-2941: 195yrs)
2nd highest ranking Dwarf, and 3rd along with Balin in the top-100, Thorin certainly represents all of Dwarven-kind in one package. He was 24 when Smaug descended on Erebor; fled with many of his people to Dunland; fought bravely in the Battle of Azanulbizar; departed with his folk to Ered Luin; became King of Durin’s Folk there; increased the numbers and wealth of his people; and met Gandalf, deciding to reclaim Erebor from Smaug. His expedition met with success in the end, and he briefly became King Under the Mountain, but was killed in the Battle of 5 Armies; and he was, without knowing, an important figure in the discovery of the One Ring by companion Bilbo.

#44 [209pts] Mandos (c.55,100yrs)
You know what, I have nothing to say about this entry. Here he is 44th. Thinking any more about it would either want to elevate him to the top-3, or want to relegate him to #1000.

#43 [210pts] Elendil the Tall 1st King of Arnor and Gondor (2A 3119-3441: 322yrs)
Leader of the Faithful in Númenor; noblest of the Dúnedain to survive the Downfall; a great mariner who gathered and led the fleets of the Faithful; established and ruled directly the Kingdom of Arnor; was the 1st High King of Arnor and Gondor; was one of the leaders and greatest warriors of the Last Alliance which overthrew Sauron; was the bearer of the sword Narsil; was the father of Isildur and Anárion; and was slain by a guy who will appear much later. ‘Nuff said.

#42 [227pts] Arwen Undomiel (3A 241- 4A 121: 2901yrs)
Speaking of Elendil, when the banner that Arwen made was unfurled at the Pelennor Fields to reveal his emblem, it signalled the first triumphant announcement of the King's return. Her gift of the banner to Aragorn was also the sign that encouraged him to take the Paths of the Dead. And if she was truly a great inspiration for the future King, then her rank here is probably justified. After all, her father will appear better than twice as high; her grandfather will appear even higher; her grandmother will place higher yet; her great-great grandmother and predecessor in making her monumental choice will appear even higher than that; and her husband will place even higher! She reigned as Queen of Reunited Gondor for 120 years. Her pivotal choice and her marriage meant that the long-sundered lines of the Half-elven were joined, and also served to unite and preserve the bloodlines of Finwë, Elwë, Olwë, and Ingwë (through Indis), not to mention Melian the Maia; all bestowed upon the future Kings of Gondor into the Dominion of Men.

#41 [228pts] Éowyn (3A 2995- 4A?: ?yrs)
More fitting possibly than the Denethor/Théoden tie, the White Lady of Rohan just edges Arwen. As a presence, a difference-maker, and pioneer, as well as the highest-ranking Man of all who hasn’t any hint of unnatural lifespan, Éowyn is certainly important in Tolkien’s world - if for no other reason than the love she inspires in readers. But she also happens to slay and marry 2 Men still to appear. :)

Next 3 Valar, 3 Noldor, 2 Men, a Sinda, and a Dragon!
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

How fascinating that Denethor and Théoden ended up tied, and Arwen and Éowyn virtually tied. That is quite fitting!
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Post by rwhen »

Hey be careful what you say about Rwhen's.... :x


I have been lurking again and had to add at this point to the Master of Genetics, this information has been very helpful to me as I am researching the Fëanoreans at the moment. Thanks.

And I always call you the "Shiny One"...oh shiny one!!

:bow: I'm not worthy. I'm so not worthy. You people amaze me!!

*slinks back into lurkdom*
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<leans in>

Pssst! If you make fun of her hat, she stops lurking.

“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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#40 [229pts] Círdan the Shipwright (YT c.1075?: c.11,100yrs)
It would be difficult to summarize all the accomplishments of this long-lived Lord, or even isolate his most important contribution: his shipbuilding; his choice to stay behind in Middle-earth and lead the Eglath; his tutelage of Gil-galad, Elwing and Eärendil; or his giving his Elven-ring to Gandalf? But he was at best always a character actor amongst a greater company, so only kicks off the top-40.

#39 [231pts] Manwë Súlimo (c.55,100yrs)
It seems that this is the highest one can attain being the Elder King of All, when not prone to evil ways or generally interfering in the affairs of Middle-earth. And he happens to have a partner who rates slightly above him, that effectively shares the load.

#38 [240pts] Ulmo (c.55,100yrs)
Ulmo, on the other hand, was solitary; ran his veins through all waters of Middle-earth; acted hands-on with Elves of Middle-earth, instructing Turgon and Finrod to their respective realms; as well as appearing before Tuor and guiding him to Gondolin. (Good call, Voronwë!)

#37 [242pts] Varda Elbereth (c.55,100yrs)
Her rejection of Melkor before hooking up with Manwë, may have been one of the pivotal events in the legendarium. However, it must be her creation of the Stars, and subsequent worship by the Elves that elevates her above her husband; in fact, the highest ranking Vala of all, behind Melkor himself.

#36 [245pts] Glaurung the Great Worm of Morgoth (?-1A 499: ?yrs)
Glaurung was the first and greatest of Dragons, and was bred by Morgoth in Angband. When he was full-grown he was the greatest terror of Morgoth’s armies: instrumental in the Dagor Bragollach; turning the tide of battle in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad; and leading the Sack of Nargothrond. The tide of War turning to Morgoth in the 5th century of the 1st Age was largely due to Glaurung. And yes, he was also the primary instrument in carrying out the Curse upon Húrin’s family.

#35 [252pts] Turgon 6th King of the Noldor (YT 1300-1A 510: 2426yrs)
He built and ruled Gondolin until the end. Need more be said? Well, Morgoth did fear him since Valinor, prophesying his own downfall, which essentially came true as Turgon grand-sired Eärendil.

#34 [254pts] Faramir Prince of Ithilien (3A 2983-4A 82: 120yrs)
Allowing Frodo to continue his Quest, and allowing Aragorn to reclaim the Kingship of Gondor unopposed, are probably 2 of his major contributions. But does a mere Prince, Steward, Lord, Captain, and 2nd son, deserve this rank? Maybe not. But he is universally loved, and Tolkien’s own self-proclaimed likeness in Middle-earth, so we’ll all look the other way on this one, won’t we?

#33 [255pts] Gil-galad High-king of the Eldar of Middle-earth (1A c.250?-2A 3441: c.3780?yrs)
2nd only to Thingol as long-serving High-king of the Elves in Middle-earth, Gil-galad reigned for the entire 2nd Age, but his role spilled over all 3 Ages. And, his ancestry aside, he was also acknowledged as High-king of the Noldor in Middle-earth, after Turgon’s death. He also was the bearer of the greatest of the Elven-rings, and leader, along with Elendil, of the Last Alliance overthrowing Sauron.

#32 [255pts] Isildur 2nd King of Gondor (2A 3209-3A 2: 234yrs)
Speaking of which, Elendil’s son was certainly a critical figure, beginning in his youth in Númenor when he no doubt first caught Sauron’s attention stealing a fruit of Nimloth, thus preserving the line of the White Tree in Middle-earth. But cutting the Ring-finger off of Sauron, and claiming the Ring for himself instead of destroying it is by far his most notable deed. Thus he chimes in as the 2nd highest-ranking of all of Gondor’s Kings, though 6 Men will rank higher.

#31 [263pts] Maedhros 1st son of Fëanor (YT c.1190-1A 590: c.3550yrs)
Effectively the 3rd King of the Noldor, abdicating in favour of the House of Fingolfin, Maedhros ruled his House of the Dispossessed for the entire 1st Age of the Sun, and was a strong leader of the eastern forces in the Battles of Beleriand. Unfortunately the Union of Maedhros precipitating the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, was a failure, and is probably why he doesn’t crack the top-30. He also participated in all 3 Kinslayings, and convinced brother Maglor to help him steal 2 Silmarils. He took his own life, inevitably cursed by higher authority and recognizing the part he played in events; not the last to do so…

Next, a motley crew indeed: 4 members of the Fellowship, 2 members of the House of Hador, 2 more Noldor, the 3rd highest-ranking woman, and the One.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I'm pretty sure I can guess who those ten are.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

I'm pretty sure you can too... Shiny One. :)

#30 [263pts] Tuor (1A 472-?: 6750yrs)
Nobody has a problem with this, I’ll bet: 1st Man to reach the Sea; instructed by Ulmo himself; Lord of the Folk of the Wing in Gondolin; father of Eärendil; warrior and survivor of the Fall of Gondolin; only Man to be elevated to the Eldar. Hell, why isn’t he #1?

#29 [276pts] Legolas of the Woodland Realm (?yrs)
Yes, an anomaly: Legolas is NOT more important than Tuor! But people do seem to re-read the story with the other Legolas in it (not to mention pan over a movie appearance) far more than they read the stories with Tuor. If you don’t like this outcome, stop lavishing all attention on Tolkien’s side-project, and get to the heart of the Story: UT & BoLT2 are still out there somewhere! ;) Fitting, however, is that he’s still the least of the surviving Fellowship, as well-stated by Tolkien.

#28 [279pts] Gimli Elf-friend (3A 2879-?: 315?yrs)
Fitting too, that Gimli follows Legolas; but possibly far easier to accept this Dwarf in the top-30, than the Sinda Prince. In fact, if anyone's got a problem with him as the most important Dwarf of all time, Galadriel’s waiting for you...

#27 [287pts] Ilúvatar (over 55,100+yrs?)
Yes, #27 is God (which only rings true for Toronto Maple-Leaf fans here in Canada). But, here’s how I’ll justify this: if there were 26 beings in the history of Arda that would have captured the attention of the One, and bent the strings of the Music of the Ainur to their utmost, I think this list has isolated them (unless you’re really not fond of hobbits :P ). After all, Eru only created Arda, and then made it round… it’s not like he swore allegiance to the Steward of Gondor, and was made a Guard of the Citadel for his pains or anything!

#26 [288pts] Húrin Thalion (1A 441-502: 61yrs)
Before Arda you were, but others also; and you did not make it” said Húrin to the Devil. There’s something profound that should be said here, quoting either the Book of Job or Charlie Daniels, but the fact that this mightiest warrior of Men outdoes God, to me seems heartwarming enough. Though we know Morgoth has yet to appear! It'll be difficult to stomach the Wanderings of Húrin after this, I know, but the Lost Tale does relate how he and Morwen after death lived as shades in the woods, until making it to the Halls of Mandos. :)

#25 [291pts] Fingolfin (YT 1190-1A 455: 3425yrs)
Hmmm, I’m not, like the mass of Tolkien fans, a lover of Fingolfin. But he does defy the Valar, following his brother, and departs Valinor; serves as longest reigning King of the Noldor after Finwë, and before Finarfin; and 7 times scars Morgoth, after challenging him to single combat! Younger brother is #56; father is #46, middle-brother is a well-deserved #25, and Fëanor, well…

#24 [291pts] Melian the Maia (?yrs)
Doesn’t crack the top-2 women, or even the top-3 Maiar; in fact all of the members of her immediate family have yet still to appear! Hang your head Melian, 24 and you should have been so much more…

#23 [296pts] Glorfindel (?yrs)
Just as Tuor was a Man elevated to Elda; the Lord of the House of the Golden Flower in Gondolin was an Elf elevated to Maia – or so one account relates. It states that he earned his place in Valinor, despite the Curse of the Noldor, because his sacrifice was deemed “of vital importance to the designs of the Valar”. Indeed it was, as he took down a Balrog to save Eärendil. And for good measure, he also helped destroy the Realm of Angmar, placed a prophetic curse on the Witch-king, played an integral part in the War of the Ring, and was also a close friend of Olórin...

#22 [313pts] Peregrin Took 32nd Thain of the Shire (3A 2990-4A c.65: 96yrs)
See below.

#21 [318pts] Meriadoc ‘the Magnificent’ Brandybuck (3A 2982-4A c.64: 103yrs)
Any more fitting things come to mind? No?

Then moving on: no hints… the top-20, try and figure them out for yourself! :scratch: :help: :oops:
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I missed on Glorfindel. I thought the other Noldo was Felagund, but it definitely makes sense that he would be in the top 20. I'm pretty sure that I can guess most of the top twenty, but certainly not in order.
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Post by Rowanberry »

Interesting. :D

I just caught a mistake/typo in your entry about Denethor II; according to the years given there, his lifespan should be 84 years, not 58. (And, I remember from the LOTR appendices that, he was born in 2930, not 2935?)
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Dân o Nandor on Anduin
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Post by Dân o Nandor on Anduin »

Oops, I double-posted!

Last edited by Dân o Nandor on Anduin on Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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